April 30, 2015

When Accreditation and Certification Combine

Accreditation and certification are two different terms. The former refers to the recognition of the institution’s competence in carrying out specific tasks, while the latter assures that the product or service is made according to existing standards. Many in multiple industries often interchange them to the point of confusion.

However, they’re still related to each other. Enter “accredited certification.”

This uncanny fusion means the institution is competent enough to carry out tasks that assure a product or service’s conformity to existing standards. Although accreditation isn’t a requirement, most institutions seek it to gain considerable reputation in the highly-competitive global market. It’s safe to say that accreditation is required in order to do business with multinational companies.

April 27, 2015

Triple Accreditation, Triple the Legwork

Triple accreditation is the term used among Master of Business Administration (MBA) schools around the world. An MBA school withtriple accreditation carries accreditations from:

·         The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), based in Tampa, FL with 727 accredited institutions.
·         The Association of MBAs (AMBA), based in London, the U.K. with 225 accredited institutions.
·         European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS), based in Brussels, Belgium with 156 accredited institutions.

Of the 1,108 MBA schools accredited by these bodies, only 68 carry all three accreditations. The largest share of these triple-accredited schools are located in the U.K., with 20 schools, followed by France with 11. In North America, Canada and Mexico have two triple-accredited schools each, but none in the United States (despite the AACSB being based in Florida).

April 23, 2015

ARMATURE: Innovative Quality Management Software Made Even Better

ARMATURE Corporation is a leading developer of integrated quality management software. We are dedicated to helping organizations run their operations efficiently through our custom software solutions. To this end, we have revamped our standards and assessment software by introducing features designed to further empower their users. Our first-rate audit software comes in an Audit and Assessment Toolkit that makes an auditor’s job of preventing business risks and failures much easier. It is the perfect companion to our standards management tool that is designed to turn cluttered, paper-based standards into more manageable digital data-based systems. We gave these software essentials a major boost by improving usability, mobility, and processing features, all with the objective of providing more support to organizations that want to achieve smoother, waste-free quality management operations.

April 21, 2015

Using an Accreditation Management System Integrates Workflow Processes

Accreditation is comprised of many elements including data collection, submissions, and reviews. Participants need to understand where they are in the process, what has been accomplished, and remaining items. Providing visual indicators to your constituents, members, staff, and volunteers helps to see where they are in the process at any given time. As an experienced provider of accreditation solutions, ARMATURE understands the complexities you face executing accreditation tasks. We help you design and implement accreditation systems configured to your specific workflow. Please if you are interested in implementing an accreditation management system or adding tools/modules to automate and improve areas of your accreditation process.

April 15, 2015

Debunking Common QMS Myths

Most businesses use quality management systems (QMS). Those that don’t are doomed to go bankrupt. Why? Simple: QMS gives a business accurate clues on how it can improve the quality of its products and services, which consequently increases sales. A lot of companies, however, are reluctant to invest in QMS due to certain concepts that turn out to be just myths.

April 13, 2015

How Audit Software Can Help Businesses

While companies have the option to employ the best and brightest among their ranks, that does not necessarily mean that they will be automatically set for success. Without a sense of organization and conformity, even the most elite of employees will feel lost and confused, doing nothing for the business. That’s why companies need to have a solid audit plan in place, in order to keep everyone on the same page.

April 10, 2015

The Need for a Flexible Accreditation System

“Out with the old, in with the new;” no truer words could best describe the ever-changing state of the market than this old adage. It is no secret that the market changes according to recent developments (either with the supply chain, with consumer behavior, and so on), and that businesses need to keep up in order to meet evolving demands. In the same way, regulators of these businesses also need to constantly review the industry standards they create so that it also meets the changing needs of the market.

April 8, 2015

Improve the Efficiency of Your Accreditation Firm

Whether you deal in national or specialized accreditation, managing accreditation processes is a complex endeavor. Although it is difficult, continuously improving your process is an important task that cannot be done away with.

Fortunately, accreditation management software is able to streamline the accreditation process for your entire firm, improving the efficiency and productivity of your team. Some of the ways accreditation software achieves this include: