February 12, 2015

The Features of Good Audit Software

Audits are important for a company since they are a great way to assess whether your operations are running at the highest quality standards. They can also point out various areas for improvement and spur change in the right direction. Many will find, however, that audits can be rather time-consuming, especially if you have more pressing matters to attend to. This is where audit software comes in. 

What is Audit Software?

Audit software is a computer program that performs audit management functions like database sampling, generating letters, and other basic calculating tasks. This can make your auditors’ work a little faster and easier. There are, however, many types of audit software with varying degrees of complexity, and that’s why you’ll need to consider the features that come with it. 

Getting More Work Done

Automated audit software helps the auditors in the scheduling of processes, letting them map out work to be done across multiple departments within the company. This means you get more work done in a more organized manner. 

Real-Time and Mobile

Thanks to modern technology, auditors no longer need to get out of their offices to record data for audits. Now they can rely on web-based audit software that allows more convenient gathering of data using mobile devices like tablets. With this feature, auditors can easily conduct audits wherever it is needed and in less time.

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